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Setting direct links with Sbobet

By default, our service presents direct links to events with Sbobet through the standard url address: sbobet.com. However, authorized users usually face the issue of expired session after the redirect is made.  In this regard, they have to sign in again.

The following instruction will help you get past inconveniences with Sbobet:

1) First thing you need to do is to sign into Sbobet account. Thereafter, you will see the address bar changing from sbobet.com to r3lqki7r40fo.sbobet.com (in your case there would be another set of numbers). Do not close the authorization window while working with arbs.

2) Next, proceed to your personal “Account” to edit your settings.

3) Open the “Bookmakers” page and fill in the Sbobet address (in our case it’s r3lqki7r40fo.sbobet.com, you will have your own address) in the field next to Sbobet bookmaker.

4) Click “Save” to retain the settings.

Now redirects to Sbobet events will work, and you will never again face the problem of expired session.